What A World If We Only Took Responsibility
I promise I will do my best not to do this frequently, but I need to stand on a soapbox and preach for a moment.

I was driving the other day and saw from a distance a momma black bear and her triplet cubs in a small pullout next to the road. I quickly grabbed my phone so I could snap these pictures.
Can you see why they are on the side of the road?!? Momma bear has it in her mouth. Some idiot stopped and threw out all of the junk food wrappers and bags from his car onto the ground. So the bears wandered out of their natural habit and got a taste of people food. From here those bears will develop a taste for people food. They will start looking for trash and leftovers people leave throw out or start breaking into cars. Ultimately they will become nuisance bears and will have to be put down. Why? Because we can’t be bothered with throwing our trash in a trash can.
Human Life
Most of my family has served in our military and I am incredibly supportive of the men and women who make that commitment.
We were on our way to Denali when Heather pointed out we would be driving past the Alaska Veteran’s Memorial. We decided to stop for a visit. It’s a great place to stop on the way to the National Park and locals and tourists alike stop there in droves throughout the summer days.

As we approached the memorial I could see that it was in disarray. Weeds and grass were growing out of the cracks between the cement.

This is supposed to be a memorial for our veterans. I was mortified at the thought of how a veteran would feel watching so many people walk past without taking a moment to tidy up. Such a small way for us to say thank you.
The entire time we were there Heather and I were the only ones who stopped and did some weeding.
Can’t we do better? Can’t we be better? Is it too much to ask to responsibly dispose of your trash? Is it too much to ask that we own that which is supposed to honor those that have served and protected us? I don’t think so.
I’ll step off my soapbox now.