Exotic Cars, A Beautiful Woman and Soft Serve…
Know what you want. Keep your eyes open so you won’t miss anything. Don’t be afraid to try new things. I’d like to think I’m doing a pretty good job of all three. Decide for yourself…
Exotic Cars…
I have been to Phoenix many times during this time of year when my boys had baseball tournaments. Our trips frequently coincided with the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction in Scottsdale but we never had time between games to attend so when I figured out I’d be here this winter attending was quickly added to my list. It did not disappoint!!!

I grabbed Mitch and two of his friends and we headed over on a Monday. I highly recommend going early in the week because there were almost no crowds. Made it easier to keep our distance and linger at all of the different vehicles that caught our eye. I could have wandered for hours more but we all had things to do and places to be so we capped it at just a couple of hours. Make sure to look for local auto dealers since some hand out two for one coupons. Oh yeah, and parking is free! Check out more of my pictures in the Photo Gallery.
A Beautiful Woman…
Dating on the road is kind of challenging. In fact, I had decided it probably wouldn’t work. But Facebook had been bugging me for a couple of years to try its Dating app so one day a little before Christmas I was bored and decided to set up a profile. I figured if anyone liked me we could talk but had no plans to pursue anyone myself.

I received some likes and clicked on the link. Up popped an amazingly gorgeous woman. She had liked me?!? Too good to be true, so I liked her back. My bad. Facebook had taking me to a landing page. She hadn’t liked me, so I moved on…until she actually liked me back!!!
Meet Deanna. Turns out she had gotten rid of everything she had in New York, purchased a truck and trailer and was getting ready to start a journey around the country herself. Are you serious?!?!

We arranged to meet for a casual lunch at Rehab Burger Therapy in Scottsdale. A second date was arranged before the end of the afternoon. We’ve been inseparable ever since. I guess that giant trailer with all that extra space was a great investment after all. She’s heading out to Texas to visit friends in March and then she and her dog will be joining Copper, Luna and me as we begin to head north in the Spring.
In the meantime we’ve been enjoying events like the UCLA vs. ASU basketball game, going on long hikes with the dogs, motorcycle rides and getting to know each other’s friends and family, which brings us to our next topic…
Soft Serve in Scottsdale…
Nate and Tasia, friends of Deanna’s, had come to town for a quick visit. We decided to take them out for lunch in Tempe and then a walk around Old Town Scottsdale. Along the way we came across an organic soft serve store. Never having had organic soft serve we decided to give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

Well, you can’t win them all. As I discussed separately, good soft serve is an art. An art that at least this organic store hasn’t quite mastered. Taste was mediocre, it wasn’t cold enough to give it the proper firmness and, well, it wasn’t satisfying. But two out of three ain’t bad, right?
In Conclusion…
Make your plans, take risks, make unexpected stops. Who knows, you might fall in love with something, or someone, new along the way…