Disappointments And Delight In New Mexico
There are two things on my list for this trip through New Mexico, Roswell and the Carlsbad Caverns. The rest of my time is being spent building the website and content for my blog so it will be up and running when I meet my boys in Phoenix for Thanksgiving. Making the most of visiting those two places was important to me.

After all the hype I’ve heard in my lifetime expectations were high. Something like “Rocky Horror Picture Show” meets “Alien”. Weather was supposed to be great so I pulled out the motorcycle for the ride up. I started to question my choice when I saw the sign for the airport. If they believed this stuff shouldn’t it be the “Roswell UNIVERSAL Air Center”?
I stopped for the obligatory “Welcome To Roswell” selfie and then headed off to the Roswell Visitors Center.
The ladies at the center were great. While helpful, they confirmed what I was afraid of. Instead of being like Uranus, MO on steroids, Roswell was a couple of stores and a small museum that couldn’t figure out if they wanted to be tacky or serious.

The ladies directed me to the UFO must sees and so I headed off down the street to see them. It really was a bit disappointing. I stopped into a few of the touristy stores and was unimpressed. Then I wandered into the UFO Museum.
The little old lady at the front was very nice. She took my money and told me to watch the movie in the room to the left before walking through the exhibit. I made the mistake of following her advice.

After watching the 20 minute video I wandered out into the exhibit. Unfortunately the exhibit is just a regurgitation of the video, so after glancing through a few things I snapped another selfie and headed out the door. Things were not going well as I headed back to my motorcycle.
There are a few tricks I’ve learned to make visits the best they can be and luckily I had used one.
Before I left the Visitors Center I’d asked the ladies about places to eat. They gave me the standard generic responses I’ve frequently received so I stopped them.
“You’re coming to Roswell for one day. You get one meal at one restaurant. Which one?”
Excitedly and in unison they both blurted out, “Popo’s!!!”
They gave me the address and instructions on what to order. Trip saver!

Popo’s Mexican Food is a self proclaimed hole in the wall. Spartan, the decor will not impress. You go there for two things, the food and the family owned feel of the place.
Kim, Popo’s daughter, greeted me and asked if I needed a menu. Nope, already had it covered. Chicken enchiladas Christmas style (red and green sauce) with a fried egg on top and a coke.
Having not been impressed with Roswell so far the food at Popo’s more than made up for it. Everything was fresh, warm but not too hot and the flavors just popped. I was completely stuffed when I finished…almost…

Then Kim brought me a fresh Sopapilla with honey. OMG!!! Absolutely delicious!
We chatted for a title bit since the lunch rush was winding down. I also needed to digest a bit before hopping back on the bike for the ride home.
I waved goodbye to Kim on my way out and she said she planned to thank the ladies at the Visitors Center for sending me over.

Overall I was quite disappointed with my visit to Roswell to see the UFO displays. I was hoping to learn something or have some kind of fun or silly experience. It just didn’t happen for me.
But if you love yourself some great Mexican food I promise you the drive to Popo’s is well worth it. Ask for Kim and get the Christmas style enchiladas with a fried egg. Tell her Don sent you. She’ll hook you up!